New! I
Rocks Poster
A new group of heart-shaped rocks, all found in one visit to the beach!
I guess my geology background is no longer a secret...
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16")
Found Hearts
A vibrant new take on my orignal;
a mixed collection of 50 photographs from many states and countries.
Shipped rolled with key to images.
New! $24.95 $19.95 / Large
(24" x 36")
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16-1/2")
New! Cloud Heart Poster
A medium-sized collection of 15 found
heart clouds. Shipped rolled in sleeve with brief artist statement. Simply
heavenly, and suitable for framing. A great reminder that love IS truly all around us. Just look up! This poster brings the blue, clear sky into any room in the house. Positive and uplifting!
$22.95 $18.95 / Medium (16" x 24")
Original Found Hearts
The Orignal. I used my first found heart
photos to create this collage. Shipped rolled with key to
I was inspired to expand
my collection of photographs when a friend asked me if I had
found any food hearts. So the search began and continues.
I scour the produce sections of markets and roadside stands,
bringing home the best candidates, resting each on a bed of
what suits its color and texture best. Shipped rolled with
key to images.
A natural collection of
found hearts; this group of images focuses on the nature of
love. Shipped rolled with key to images.
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16")
I Love New York
28 images from the Big Apple.
The city that never sleeps. Shipped rolled with key to images.
$19.95 $14.95/ Small (12" x 16-1/2")
New! Read! Poster
A fun & funky way to remind students of all ages to put down the remote...
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16")
New! Found
Alphabet Poster
Now you've found your ABC's- a new take on the alphabet. Perfect inspiration for playing " I spy with my eye..."
Colorful images captured in many places from a wide variety of signs.
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16")
A lovely heart created by
the hands and feet of a ballerina with The Washington Ballet
in DC.
Photographed by Rosalie O'Connor. Shipped rolled.
$19.95 $14.95 / Small (12" x 16-1/2")